Saturday, August 9, 2014 3d genre-racing ogre3d stuntrally Stunt Rally now comes with spaceships and cool ancient cities! Stunt Rally 2.4 ... talk about feature creep, but I am not complaining ;) See more pictures of the release here , and don't forget to gi...
Monday, November 25, 2013 3d genre-racing stuntrally Holiday Racer 2.2 released (aka Stunt Rally) Obviously someone is having a hard time with the winter in the northern hemisphere right now: More awesome screenshots of Stunt Rally 2.2 he...
Friday, August 9, 2013 3d genre-racing platform-linux platform-osx platform-windows supertuxkart GSoC 2013 pushes SuperTuxKart forward! If you follow our planet , this is no news, but the recent advances in graphics, networking a other stuff from SuperTuxKart are quite nice....
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 3d genre-racing stuntrally Stunt Rally 2.1 released My luck... I do the reluctant once in two weeks post to keep the blog alive, and almost the next day is an unexpected big new release of a c...
Saturday, May 11, 2013 3d genre-fps genre-racing octaforge stuntrally Two times (0.)2.0 (Yes, that is a rather thin common ground to combine these two news in one post ;) ). Anyways, today there is one for the "FreeGamers...